Keynote Speakers
Keynote Speakers


Prof. Xixiong Xu

Chongqing University, China


Currently, Prefessor Xu serves as the director of the Department of enterprise management of Chongqing University and is selected as Chongqing talents. From 2011 to 2012, he carried out academic cooperation in Stern Business School of New York University as a visiting scholar. He has undertaken three National Natural Science Foundation Projects, and Published several papers on international Journals such as China Economic Review、Finance Research Letters、Accounting and Finance、International Review of Economics and Finance、Research in International Business & Finance.

Research Area: Corporate Governance and corporate finance, Informal institution and corporate behavior, Business ethics and Corporate social responsibility

Speech Title: Confucian Merchant spirit and common prosperity


Common prosperity is a major national strategy that China continues to promote. However, the realization of common prosperity requires not only the top-level system design at the national level, but also the micro foundation at the enterprise level. From the perspective of Confucian culture and informal institution, I will discuss the unique role of Confucian businessman spirit in improving employee treatment and corporate social responsibility.


Prof. Junhua Du

Chongqing University, China

Research Area: Public management


Junhua Du, The professor and the doctoral supervisor (concurrently) of Chongqing University, PhD.The main research direction is the public management. have  finished 2 National Social Science Fund projects, 1 Chinese Postdoctoral Fund projects, and 8 provincial and ministerial major social science projects.had gotten 6 Provincial prize. At the same time, 7 monographs were published in People's Publishing House and China Social Science Publishing House.

Speech Title: The Path optimization to guard against political risks under the modernization of national governance 


The prevention of political risk is one of the important contents of the modernization of state governance in the new era. From the perspective of practice, The key to guard against political risks lies in the Ideological Party building and the system of party management, both Tough and soft. On the one hand, We should strengthen the party's leadership, setting the Grasp the political direction and Strengthening political stability; Running through upholding the people's position, respecting the people's dominant position and accepting the people's test; on the other hand, The government  should be based on firm ideals and beliefs,should Improve relevant laws and regulations, Cultivate a culture of rule of law, Establish a preventive mechanism, strictly enforce political discipline, purify political ecology, and realize the organic unity of rule of law and rule of party. also need to take more measures to improve Strategic thinking Ability, political judgment, political understanding and political execution. 


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fonny Dameaty Hutagalung

Faculty of Education, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia


More than 20 research related psychological and mental health issues among children, students and youth age. Because of covid-19, reporting a lot of people impacted in psychological and socio-economy status (SES). 

Research Area: Educational Psychology

Speech Title: Keynote Speech: Mental Health & Psychological Wellbeing of University Students during Covid-19 Pandemic.


The WHO' s data according to which one fourth to one-third of today' s world population experiences mental states that meet formal criteria of psychiatric disorders, among whom at least 264 000 000 people around the world are affected by depression (WHO,2020).

COVID-19 has dramatically reshaped the way global education is delivered. Millions were affected by educational institution closures due to the pandemic, which resulted in the largest online movement in the history of education. 

Pandemics give psychological impacts on communities, pandemics impact the levels of stress or anxiety, an epidemic of mental illness occurs in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, and pandemics affect all generations. People have lost their jobs and affecting their social lives. "slow-motion disaster" with potentially widespread and persistent mental-health fallout. Some people will be disproportionately affected, particularly medical workers, the sick, those with pre-existing mental illness and anyone facing economic challenges.

We need strategies to coop with this situation. Example establishment of comprehensive mental health services, promote the alignment of these services with relevant social, economic, and political policy domains, and Access to publicly funded mental health therapy should be widely promoted.



Universiti Malaya/Department of Mathematics & Science Education, Faculty of Education, Malaysia


Started in 1989 as a chemistry teacher, followed by working as a Teachier Trainning Lectures. Then continued my carrear at Education State Departemnt and finally working at the Malaysia Ministry of Education before joining Universiti Malaya as a lecturer in 2010 until now. My work and passion are in developing new pedagogies and teacher training in relation to science education focusing particularly to acquiring and mastering scientific skills in science and STEM. with technologies, and especially for virtual reality (VR). I have been invited as speaker and training of teachers national and international level on STEM Education.  I have also been involved in research projects related to science and STEM Education for preservice, in-service teaches , as well as for disadvantaged communities. I have been actively training in-teachers in STEM Education. Uptodate have manage to acquire grants amounting to appromoximately USD97318 from various sources including government and private industries to carry out programs and research on STEM Education and Science education. Specialises in training in service teachers in STEM and Science Education. Have published articles in WOS and scopus journals. Also active in consultancy work on STEM Education.

Research Area: STEM Education, Science Education, Chemistry Education



For STEM Education to be successful in schools it is  important school leaders to build strong relationships and work in partnership with all members of the school community which include teachers, parents, community near the schools, industries and other organisations around the school.  This leadership practice will shape the successful STEM Education programmes in school. This can be done through leveraging community partnerships, utilizing local resources, showcasing innovative STEM projects and supporting STEM career guidance.

We warmly invite you to participate in ISEMSS 2022 and discuss with  Four keynote speakers.